Celebrating 35 years of
Lakes Education

Lakes Education / Action Drive

LE/AD is an organization dedicated to preserving the quality and beauty of our Florida lakes. LE/AD is a non-profit organization that strives to educate the public on lake water quality; the effects storm water runoff has on our lakes and how you can make a difference. Our organization is funded through your donations. Please join today to help continue to support this wonderful organization! Visit www.lakeseducation.org to learn more!

LE/AD’s Partnership Contributions

LEADers in Lake Protection:

❑ Contributing Partner – $2,500.00 (Partner selects one benefit below)

❑ Sustaining Partner – $5,000.00 (Partner selects two benefits below)

❑ LEADership Partner – $10,000.00 and more (Partner selects four benefits below)

All partners will receive:

o An annual report from LE/AD detailing activities that can be used in the partners NPDES annual report

o Recognition of partnership on newsletter, and website

o Link to organization on LE/AD website

o Represent partnership during Lakes Appreciation Month Proclamation presentation

Partnership Benefits – please select number of benefits based on contributing Partner Level:

⎯ Provide an Educational Workshops, such as Living at the Lakes, within Partners preferred area

⎯ Coordinate a lake management event, one cleanup in association with Lakes Appreciation month

⎯ Coordinate one additional cleanup or planting event at organizations request

⎯ Assist in Lakeside signage design, fundraising, and construction.

⎯ Coordinate a watershed boat tour targeting leadership, business or chamber group

⎯ Provide lakeside signage assistance

⎯ Provide youth educational program

⎯ Provide Pet Waste Stations

Request for Special Event Coordination

❑ Coordinate special event in partner’s target area i.e. Cardboard Boat Challenge and Lakes Festival – $5,000.00

❑ Coordinate professional conference, i.e. Keeping the “Peace” in the Peace River Watershed, the Lakes Management Conference. – $2,500.00

❑ Additional lakeside kiosk signage assistance – $3,000.00