Another successful Cardboard Boat Challenge and Lakes Festival is in the books. Lakes Education Action Drive would like to give a “HUGE” thank you to the City of Lakeland and it’s Lakes and Stormwater Division. Without them, this event would not take place.
On Friday, we got to host Chip Brewster of FOX 13. He came to Lake Hollingsworth to challenge staff members of the Lakeland Magic and Zoey and Mason.

Of course, what makes for quality television is, sinking. And, Chip and the Team from the Lakeland Magic did not disappoint.
On Saturday, about 50 cardboard boats (pre-built and on-site built) competed for the honors of being a survivor.
Along with the 50 boats and their teams, the shores of Lake Hollingsworth saw about 300 spectators enjoying this beautiful natural venue.
Teams competed in 6 categories. On-Site Family, On-Site Youth, and On-Site Corporate/Family had 1 1/2 hours to design and build their boat. While Pre-Built Family, Pre-Built Youth, and Pre-Built Corporate/Family had to use all of the same materials but could do so prior to the race.
And the winners are……………..
On-Site Family
1st Team Gerber 2:02
2nd Team Brown 2:30
3rd Team Rathbone 3:16
On-Site Youth
1st ASCE Team 3 1:35
2nd ASCE Team 4 2:18
3rd Troop 106 2:32
On-Site Corporate/Family
1st FDOT 2:06
2nd ESA 1:11
3rd None
Pre-Built Family
1st Team Royan 2:26
2nd Super-Duperrault’s 2:36
3rd House of Gerber 2:58
Pre-Built Youth
1st RSA Robotocs 3:29
2nd Central Florida Aerospace Academy 5:08
3rd Combee Academy, Turtle Savers 6:53
Pre-Built Corporate
1st Wood Environment & Infrastructure 1:02
2nd FDOT 1:04
3rd Lakeland Sister Cities 1:33
LE/AD Lakes Awareness (Team that displayed the best Theme)
House of Gerber, Tale of 2 Turtles
Titanic Award (The most epic sinking)
Rochelle School of the Arts, The Current
Spirit Award (Cheered the most)
Combee Academy of Design and Engineering
Best of Show (As viewed by the judges)
Safety Products Inc, S.S. Safe Waters
People’s Choice (Voted by the people)
WonderHere, Sailing on a Sea of Wonder
Survivor (Still floating after all these heats)
Wood Environment & Infrastructure, Dump No Waste – Drains To Lake
Please follow Lakes Education Action Drive on Instagram and tag your photos #lakeseducation #CBBC19 and #LakelandCardboardBoat19