Entries by lead-executive-director

World Water Day 2021

Water means different things to different people. Join Danny Kushmer as he and his daughter, Kaylie Kushmer have a conversation about water around the world on #WorldWaterDay. The Lakes Education Action Drive Podcast is designed to inform our members, residents, and visitors of Polk County the importance of our most precious resource, water. Kaylie is […]

Consume Safe Drinking Water During an Emergency

Re-Blogged from the University of Florida UF/IFAS Blogs Water directly out of your tap may not be safe to drink during an emergency.  Boil water orders (also called advisories) are common during hurricane season, but can also occur during lightning strikes and other incidents. Boil water orders, when issued, are a precaution we must take seriously.  Bacteria, […]

January Podcast

Listen to January’s Podcast on upcoming State and Federal Legislation on Water. Or, read the transcript here. Okay, 2020 was the year of COVID-19 resulting in 15 days to flatten the curve. Well, 15 days turned into all-year and shutting down business, locking loved ones in the home, and cancelling so many outdoor activities. The […]

Water Quality Around the World

According to the CDD and their Global WASH (Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene), Worldwide nearly 780 million people do not have access to an improved water source. An estimated 2.5 billion people lack access to improved sanitation (more than 35% of the world’s population). The World Health Organization and UNICEF reports, regions with the lowest coverage of “improved” […]

Perfect Plants for Pollinators

Re-Blogged from the University of Florida Pollinator Attraction Bringing pollinators to your garden is an important step in building a healthy landscape. Several pollinator plants such as anise hyssop, Walter’s viburnum, and chaste tree are excellent pollinator plants. Pollinators provide much needed ecosystem services and their presence should be encouraged whenever possible. Each of the […]

Private Well and Septic System Webinar Series

Re-Blogged from the University of Florida Happy New Year! Have you made resolutions to take better care of yourself? Don’t forget to include well care and septic system care into your resolutions! Did you know… Approximately 12% of the Floridians rely on private wells for home consumption. While public water systems are monitored under the Safe Drinking […]

Fang-Tastic Lake Clean-Up

This Halloween, instead of the usual tricks and treats, why not organize a spooky lakeshore clean-up? Between now and October 31st if you, your family, friends, school or business conduct a lake clean-up, you can be eligible for a different kind of treat and recognition. Eligibility is SIMPLE. Just send us an email with the […]


Getting Kids Outdoors Project

Evidence points to the fact that children gain their most powerful understanding of their natural environment through exploring it for themselves. However, within formal education, educators are often hampered from facilitating this exploration beyond the classroom by the pressures of the curriculum, health and safety concerns, and restricted budgets.  LE/AD, with help from a grant […]